If you are also one of those trying to get a new web site for yourself then always try to consider these following tips when choosing a domain name for your web site or blog :
* My most important recommendation is that always try to get a dot com ( .com ) domain. Its a fact that we remember the web site name with dot com easily rather than those .co. us or .co .uk , .org & others . It also helps in preventing confusion in web site names. Domains like
.co .uk .us .in,etc are suitable if you have a web site representing your Business. Moreover dot org is suitable for those web site related with organizations or institutions.
* Short Domain name : Big web site addresses are difficult to remember & to type as there are mistakes often. But short names are easy to remember.
* Do not try to get a domain name which is an intimating address of some other web.
Try to get your own unique name.
* If you are having a domain name in your mind then you can check for its availability at web sites like Check Domain & get it registered at the earliest.
* Try to use short form of the name which is in your mind & then try to apply it as domain. It results into better & shorter domain name.
* So hurry !! up Internet Revolution is taking place register your domain name before some one other grabs it.